В прошлом месяце в Лиллихаммере прошел международный симпозиум по работе топором.
This is the organization which held the symposium about axe-work in former times. It is called Norwegian Crafts Development and is government financed.
Это та организация которая регулярно проводит симпозиумы по работе с топором. Она называется Развитие Норвежских Ремесел и финансируется правительством.
This is from their web-site:
Цитата с ее сайта
About Norwegian Crafts Development
Norwegian Crafts Development (NHU) works on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs (KKD) to protect, preserve, pass on, and develop crafts as skills and knowledge, as a form of expression and as a profession.
NHU aims to maintain and strengthen crafts that are considered to be rare and worthy of protection. NHU is based at Maihaugen and has a national responsibility for craft skills and knowledge at various levels:- National register of craftsmen and craft enterprises.
- The protection and passing on of craft skills and knowledge which are in danger of disappearing.
- Training in traditional crafts which are of particular importance for cultural heritage
- Rare crafts which lead to an apprenticeship certificate.
- Scholarship scheme for craftsmen.
They cover many traditional crafts. The symposium was for four days and craftsmen came from Chechia and Norway. All of these men work in museums.

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